Battlefield Writers has partnered with Glad Radio to produce a series of podcasts based on our books Beyond the Battlefield and Tales from the Battlefield.
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Book Week Scotland
Langside Library are delighted to host Battlefield Writers as they launch their latest book Tales from the Southside. Tuesday 19th November 2024 at 6pm.
Over thirty writers have contributed short stories, poetry and flash fiction to this anthology, each reflecting life in Glasgow’s southside. Hear readings by a selection of writers and discover how you might become involved in future projects.
This is a free event and is open to everyone. Just turn up on the night
Marco and Alex have a new book out called Dining Tales.
Dining Tales (sub-titled Savory Stories, Tasty Tales) is a collection of 27 stories told first-hand from some of the giants in Glasgow’s bustling dining scene. Over the past forty years, there has been a revolution in the quality, variety, and choice of restaurants in the city. Dining Tales hears from those who made that revolution: their journey often from humble beginnings, the sheer hard work involved and the fascinating stories behind the scenes.
Above all Dining Tales recounts the commitment, resilience, and the skillset essential to producing successful and much-loved venues that transformed Glasgow’s cuisine.
Whether you love food, eat out regularly or are interested in working in the restaurant business, Dining Tales is a compulsive read.
Beyond the Battlefield is now on sale at Waterstones 153 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow Hi, I'm doing an author event at Langside Library on Tuesday 25 June at 6.30 pm. All welcome!
Greg Shearer, one of our contributors, is appearing as a special guest at Gladcast Two in Glad Cafe Saturday 9th March at 7.30
Beyond the Battlefield and Tales from the Battlefield are now part of Kindle unlimited. Anyone who has a subscription can read the books or free.