Our latest book is now out in paperback and ebook.
On sale at Paper Moon, Mount Florida Books, Catherine's Cards, Stich B*tch, Galilee Books
or Buy now on Amazon

On sale at Paper Moon, Mount Florida Books, Catherine's Cards, Stich B*tch, Galilee Books
or Buy now on Amazon
Conceived and developed in the coffee shops along Battlefield Road in Glasgow’s southside by local writers Frank Chambers and Alex Meikle. Over fifty authors and poets have now joined the collective. To date we have produced thtree collections of short stories and poems.
Our aim is to provide a platform that fosters creativity, encourages collaboration, and exposes our writers work to a wider audience.
If you are a writer and would like to be part of the collective, contact us at battlefieldcollective@outlook.com or use the contact button at the top of the page.
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